All about Suspense in React18

React is one of the trending and most popular client-side libraries for developing painless interactive UIs. Already it has its roots deep in the market, but obviously, the goal is to achieve the best UI experience but not better. So React comes up with another major feature in its Version…

Concept Of Pre-Rendering In NextJs

What pre-rendering actually means in layman language Pre-rendering is nothing but the process of generating HTML along with necessary data of the content of the requested page by the client in our application. Yeah, It might be confusing a bit let's understand it with an example In the…

React Component LifeCycle Stages

Hey Geeks, One of the major parts while learning any language, framework or library is to understand the internal working of its code. Though all the methods and ways of doing things are given in the documentation. And When we are stuck we have the life-saving great tool Stack-overflow to…